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APPROVED Minutes July 22, 2009
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:     Redevelopment Authority, Special Meeting
Date and Time:          Wednesday, July 22, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Conrad Baldini, Michael Connelly, Robert Mitnik
Members Absent:         Russell Vickers
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan
Recorder:                       Andrea Bray

Chairperson Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Old/New Business

Executive Director’s Report

Duncan confirms that the bathroom renovation at the Old Town Hall is completed, and that the public restrooms will be open when Gordon College has the building staffed (Friday to Tuesday).

Outdoor Café Permit Review

1.  189 Washington Street (Tavern in the Square):  Discussion and vote on proposed seating plan for outdoor café permit

Joseph Correnti speaks for the applicant stating that they will install stanchions on the sidewalk to close off the area during the time that the seating is being used.  He explains that there are alternate sidewalks for foot traffic around the site.  He shows a photo of the stanchions and describes the new direction for the pedestrians to use to get around the seating area.

Brennan states that these stanchions are being proposed in response to the comments from Councillor McCarthy regarding carrying food and alcohol across the sidewalk.  He adds that this is a procedure that could be tried and if the SRA finds that it doesn’t work, the procedure could be discontinued.

Duncan notes that this situation is very similar to Rockafella’s.  Both are using public land and sidewalk area; the difference is in materials.  She adds that last year, A Passage to India was approved for outdoor seating that was separated from the building, and that approval included the removal of two trees.

Duncan reads a letter dated July 20, 2009, from Rick Rennard, City Tree Warden into the record.  In the letter Rennard states that the trees will be removed, at the applicant’s expense, and seven trees shall be placed at alternate sites downtown.

Councilor Stephen Pinto asks whether the Tree Warden or the Mayor has the final say on the removal of the trees.

Duncan confirms that both parties are in agreement with this, and the Mayor has approved the recommendation of the Tree Warden.

Councilor Pinto expresses concern about the removal of the trees stating that it sets a bad precedent.

Brennan states that this is on a case-by-case business, and last year the removal of three trees was approved in front of the Goldberg building on Washington Street.

Duncan adds that A Passage to India was approved to remove two trees for their outdoor seating.

Elise Mankes, owner of the Experimental Art Gallery, asks what the serving hours are.

Owner Joey Arcari states that serving hours are from 11:30AM to 12:30 AM.

Mankes expresses concern about having the sidewalk closed during the times when the city is crowded.  She asks about the bus stop on Washington Street.

Attorney Correnti states that the bus stop is in front of the Tavern.  

Mankes speaks in opposition to the project.

Courtney Heath, owner of Seed Stitch Fine Yarn at 21 Front Street, states that her customers are having problems parking in the area.  She adds that she is in favor of having a new restaurant in the area but the shortage in parking has affected her business.

Mitnik states that he is participating in a parking study to improve the parking situation in the area.

Maureen Clark, owner of Marketplace Quilts at 6 Front Street, states that she forwarded a letter to the SRA, and expresses concern about the parking situation that has worsened in the last month.  She requests that the SRA postpone the installation of the outdoor seating area.

Teasie Riley Goggin expresses concern about the City’s liability with this outdoor seating area.

Duncan states that with all outdoor dining areas the restaurant is required to present a certificate of liability insurance that indicates that the outdoor dining area is included in their coverage.

City Council President Paul Prevey speaks in opposition to the outdoor seating because of the removal of the trees and because of the blocking of the sidewalk.

Jim  Kearney of Cambridge Street states that he would prefer to have brick on the patio instead of concrete.  He objects to the blocking of the sidewalk.

Baldini states that parking has always been a problem during the busy times of the year.

Maureen Clark disagrees.

Don Hayes states that he is very disappointed by the ruling of the Tree Warden.

Duncan clarifies that the Tree Warden makes the decision.

Don Hayes states that the meeting about the trees was not advertised in the Salem News.  He expresses concern about the blocking of the sidewalk.  He speaks in opposition to the outdoor seating.

Jim Kearney of Cambridge Street speaks favorably of the Front Street businesses.  He requests that the SRA postpone their decision on this issue.

Duncan states that Councillor Lovely wrote a letter on this and read it into the record.  However, Duncan notes that the Ordinance has changed regarding outdoor seating.  Specifically, outdoor seating in the urban Renewal area is under the jurisdiction of the SRA, not City Council.

Connelly states that there were three issues of concern presented at the last meeting:
  • The liability issue – Duncan has addressed that
  • The removal of the trees – The Tree Warden has dealt with that
  • The City Council policy – This issue is up for review by the Council
Connelly states that the track record in Joey Arcari’s other locations has been flawless and this might be only for three months and it might change next year if the Council changes the rules.

Mitnik states that it is unfortunate that the graphic that is presented is not complete and they never included the main crosswalks on Washington Street.  Mitnik shows the location of these crosswalks on the plan, emphasizing that the pedestrian traffic will not be adversely impacted by the blocking of the sidewalk.

Baldini states that Salem Main Streets supported this project, the DRB approved the design and Joey Arcari has an impeccable reputation and he plays by the rules, and they should give him a chance.

Baldini:        Motion to approve the outdoor seating as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 4-0.

Development Project Review

2.  15 Peabody Street Park:  Discussion and vote on proposed revised park design

Duncan states that this issue is also on the agenda for the DRB this evening.  She states that currently the EPA is managing the clean-up of asbestos on the site, and during the clean-up they found concrete slabs on the site, which prohibits excavation on much of the parcel.  She explains that this discovery has forced a design change, yet all of the components (play equipment, seating, pavers, etc.) are included in the new design.

Blier describes the new design with trees close to Peabody Street, the rubber play area in the middle of the lot, and picnic tables on the deck near the South River.  He states that the riverside planting area was reduced, but they have increased the mounding areas throughout the site.  He adds that glass pavers will cover the entire picnic area.

Blier displays sketches depicting the space, and photographs of the tables, benches, up-lights for the trees, the fence, and the play equipment.  He explains that the DRB has suggested that the sharp corners in the green area be addressed, possibly by using glass pavers.

Mitnik asks how many trees will be included and Blier responds that there will be about 25 new trees.

Connelly:       Motion to approve the new design subject to the reinforcement of the sharp corners on the green space, seconded by Baldini.  Passes 4-0.

Approval of Minutes – July 8, 2009 Meeting

Connelly:       Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Mitnik.  Passes 4-0.

Baldini:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Connelly.  Passes 4-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 7:30 pm.